The Cambridge Geek

Audio Fiction + Drama Podcast Reviews - Page 8

This page collates my reviews of any audio production that is fictional and that is primarily released episodically over the internet (typically via an rss feed). That is, it won't include radio or traditionally/self published audiobooks (eg, it will include "podiobooks" - I'm aware this is a tenuous distinction). This can mean anything defined as audio drama, whether released as a podcast or a standalone download (eg Big Finish etc), but I'm also using the more general "audio fiction".

2020 February 26
The Underwood Collection
2020 January 27
2019 Audio Verse Awards
2020 January 12
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward/The Whisperer in Darkness
2020 January 03
Someone Stole Something
2019 December 16
2019 December 14
Mission to Zyxx
2019 November 20
In The Gloaming
2019 September 26
The Podney Dangercast
2019 September 25
SCP Archives
2019 August 18