The Cambridge Geek

The Final Station
The Final Station

This kept me enthralled over a slightly obsessive weekend. It's a scrumptious little exploration-based side-scroller, with a slice of train management thrown in.

The world is ending, as a zombie army destroys everything in its path. Only you are safe, in your heavy goods train carrying emergency supplies throughout the now twisted and alien landscape. All you have is a gun, a couple of medkits and a range of passengers for moral support.

The main aspect of the game is built around levels, through which you need to search to find the passcode to let your train through the station. These levels contain a range of types of zombie, which leap into a murderous rage the moment they see you. It leads to a tense atmosphere of frantic reloading before each door, and careful picking off of individual enemies. This isn't a game which is overly generous with its resources, so you'll find yourself picking shots carefully and meleeing wherever possible.

Resource management also extends to the train between levels. As you travel from level to level, you'll carry passengers who need feeding and healing. You'll want to hoard any food and medkits you find, or find yourself choosing who lives and who dies. (Trust me, buy all the food you can.) You'll also have to run around like a crazy person stopping the train falling to pieces.

It's got a surprisingly compelling world for what initially looks like a fairly basic design. Read everything you find, as there's some entertaining little snippets.

Highly recommended.

Tagged: Game Platformer 2D Easy difficulty PC