The Cambridge Geek

Comic Girls

Moeta is an aspiring manga artist, who unfortunately is terrible at it. Even her editor agrees. You'd think she'd be nicer. She isn't. In order to try and improve both artistic talents and her realism, by actually experiencing a bit of life, she goes off to live in a dormitory entirely filled with other young artists.

Koyume, Ruki and Tsubasa (no relation) bring her into their fun filled, slightly (very) stressful life as either potential or serialised artists, with deadlines, relationship drama and the usual growing pains. Koyume is a little more on her level, being an as yet unpublished "young love" artist, who can't draw men. Definitely an issue. Ruki does porn, and Tsubasa does shonen.

Hentai artists take research very seriously.

Naturally they've all got their own particular worries, being as they are generally inexperienced in the things they're writing about. Luckily they've got the house matron to look after them/meddle in their romantic affairs. Trust me, the adults are some of the most hilarious people in this. The Moeta's brutal takedowns are almost worth the price of admission alone. (The price is free.)

It's a funny show, with a lot of the comedy coming from Moeta's general incompetence, but that also allows them to nudge towards heartwarming as she's supported by the rest of the group. There's no small amount of "oh I'm so terrible" "no, really, you're secretly good" to give the required personal development arc, but it never feels overblown.

The art is generally decent, with some nice character designs, and some very strong moments of particularly high emotion/technical skill, but it does on occasion rely on the chibi art for emotional vulnerability rather hard.

But some moments are cooler.

It's fairly safe, not taking many significant risks, or pushing the characters out of the usual zone for this sort of thing, so it's a bit more fillery than some of the shows on this season, but it's pleasant filler. Won't challenge you, but you don't always want that. It's on my "watch this season when I'm feeling lazy" list.

Score 3

Tagged: Anime Comedy Schooldays Writers and artists Slice of life Crunchyroll Subbed