The Cambridge Geek

Ark City

Okay, I'm not sure what this is.

It's the far future, after Earth went to war with some sort of alien race (maybe). One of the results of that war is the development of technology, the "drons", which are alien artifacts that resemble nothing so much as D20s. The ten episodes of this series are the story of a man who gets a couple of them embedded into his body, and the powers that they give him. Maybe.

He has a medical condition, which he shares with his wife, that causes seizures, comas and the ability to "project". Exactly what projecting is, is never made entirely clear, but it might be the ability to mentally travel into those weird icosahedrons, in the form of a virtual world which has near limitless computing power. Humanity wants to be able to do that because of...reasons?

At the same time, he gets very trapped in his own virtual world (unless it's actually the real world), bouncing back and forth between different environments, attempting to achieve some sort of goal. It's almost written like an escape room. Which is actually a premise I would be vaguely interested in, so if anyone is aware of a horror podcast which is somewhat Saw inspired, feel free to let me know.

This is all told in first-person, with our protagonist jumping from scared to excited to confused at frequent intervals, often repeating the same things over and over, without any real plot development. Add into that an AI with a motive of its own, his wife who is either real or not, there or not, and a cliffhanger at the end of the series that suggest it's secretly all real, and this gets unnecessarily complex.

Trouble is, I don't know if doesn't make any sense because it's confusingly written, or because I'm missing things. There's a whole website attached to this that seems to want you to find a password and log into it, presumably to give you a more immersive experience. I don't really want to do that. What I want to do is listen to all of the first season (which was handily packaged together for easy listening) and have some idea what the plot is. I don't.

I can't recommend it, because all it did was confuse and annoy me. If someone feels like explaining it, you know where the comments are. But my god I'm not likely to listen to a second series.

Score 2

Tagged: Audio fiction Drama Cast Personal recording Science fiction Serial