The Cambridge Geek

15 Minute Musical

The long-running 15 Minute Musical series is easily one of my favourite things on the radio. It's run for absolutely bloody ages, has covered a staggering amount of recent sociopolitical events, and is also handily funny. A shame, then, that it seems to have switched to these Christmas specials.

Ah well, best enjoy them while we have them.

This time, we've got the "Eurovision Gone Wrong" contest, a singing competition between all of the European leaders to see who's had the worst year. We've got Macron and his riots, Merkel and her removal from government, and Putin and his, well actually, pretty much perfect year. Bloody typical for 2018 really. And of course, since it's still everywhere, a quick song about how Brexit is still going on.

As always, the songs featured are inspired by thematically suitable ones, and here we've got Eurovision contest winners. There's a bit of Lulu, Brotherhood of Man, Abba, and Sandie Shaw, and naturally they're close enough that you can hum along. There's also a bit of Bucks Fizz to round out the show, as sung by the nefarious E.R.G.

Wonderfully topical, hitting the big stories of Novichok, troll farms and more, and as much fun as always. Still makes me wish we got a full series of six, but appreciate what you get I suppose.

Score 5

Tagged: Radio Comedy Cast Musical News/Political