The Cambridge Geek

April 2019 Book Releases

This is a list of the new and upcoming science fiction and fantasy book releases this month, sorted into the various types. Click through for each category.

This list covers the UK and the US, so I'll give the earliest date at which it's out in both, except where they're off by months or more, when you might see repeats. Also, hopefully obviously, not read many of these yet, though certain ones are on pre-order/my "to be read" list. Book reviews may come later.

What are you going to add to your TBR list this month?

(Note, I've chucked in relevant Amazon links for each book, but I'm aware some people don't like them. Affiliate links for several other shops are at the bottom of this post, but unfortunately I don't have the time to make them all specific. These posts take ages.)


The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year #13

Jonathan Strahan (ed.)

For more than a decade, award-winning editor Jonathan Strahan has pored through tens of thousands of stories to select the best, the most interesting, the most engaging science fiction and fantasy to thrill and delight readers.

April 18th


Mark Le Dain

Dreamtime is a collection of 19 tales set in the near future where a person’s life is monitored, influenced, and sometimes even crafted by the technology we both love and hate.

From stories of people condemned to live within their carbon footprint and clones that expand the empires of only the wealthy (duplicating both their good traits and bad), to stories of a future where a market exists for practically anything, including your life – Mark Le Dain’s disturbing “slices of life” have the potential to awaken the technophobe in all of us.

April 14th

Section 130

Katrinka Mannelly

Based on the Dewey decimal system designation for the supernatural - section 130 is a collection of short stories from new author Katrinka Mannelly

In the library of Katrinka Mannelly's childhood, Dewey Decimal section 130 contained the supernatural--everything from witches to mermaids, gnomes to poltergeists. Like many children, I devoured these books, working my way through countless titles, studying magical creatures and imagining what encounters with them might be like.

As an adult she is still enamored with the inhabitants of section 130, but life has given her a more cynical view. What if interactions with mythical beings were mundane, or funny, or when special, extraordinary in the most unanticipated of ways?

This is the premise of Section 130, a collection of original short stories averaging 2,000 words in length. Each explores a modern human-supernatural being exchange. Sirens, fey, Sasquatch, Jinn, demons, ghosts, zombies, even tooth fairies in training, and lake monsters have truths to tell us about who we are as people.

April 30th

Wounds: Six Stories from the Border of Hell

Nathan Ballingrud

In his first collection, North American Lake Monsters, Nathan Ballingrud carved out a distinctly singular place in American fiction with his "piercing and merciless" (Toronto Globe and Mail) portrayals of the monsters that haunt our lives--both real and imagined: "What Nathan Ballingrud does in North American Lake Monsters is to reinvigorate the horror tradition" (Los Angeles Review of Books).

Now, in Wounds, Ballingrud follows up with an even more confounding, strange, and utterly entrancing collection of six stories, including one new novella. From the eerie dread descending upon a New Orleans dive bartender after a cell phone is left behind in a rollicking bar fight in "The Visible Filth" to the search for the map of hell in "The Butcher's Table," Ballingrud's beautifully crafted stories are riveting in their quietly terrifying depictions of the murky line between the known and the unknown.

April 9th

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Tagged: Releases Book